Do you take my insurance?

Please call our office first at (307) 789-4957 to see if we accept your insurance. We do accept some insurances, but sometimes insurance plans don’t accept us. On your first visit we will call your insurance company and verify your chiropractic benefits so we can let you know about any deductibles or co-pays. All deductibles and co-pays are due at the time of service.

A few insurance companies who don’t accept bills through us are: TriCare, Triwest, PEHP, PCIP, SelectHealth, SelectMed, Medicaid and WIN health. Remember, every policy is different, so it’s a good idea to verify your own coverage information since payment is ultimately your responsibility.

What if I don't have insurance?

We are happy to accept you as a practice member if you don’t have insurance, or choose not to use your insurance.

Evanston Chiropractic has very affordable rates to serve the needs and the insured and uninsured alike which cover your adjustment and the therapies offered here in the office. Call us for more information.

Please remember that payment is always required at the time of service.

I've never been, what should I expect?

We are ALWAYS accepting new practice members and would love to see you. Our new practice member's appointments are longer appointments because the doctor really wants to get to know you, so please be prepared for your very first appointment to be around an hour to an hour and a half in length.

Because the doctor is so thorough it’s sometimes difficult to get you in the very same day you call, but we can generally schedule you within a few days of calling. 

We will listen closely to your complaints, do a full exam, and begin working toward your goals the very first time you come in. The main component of chiropractic care will be your first adjustment. When you get adjusted we make it a priority that it will be a positive experience, so we explain everything as we go. Communication is #1 for us and we know every person is different so we will cater to your needs.

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a separate and distinct form of healthcare that focuses on nervous system function and self-healing. We focus on the source of symptoms and provide care that restores full nervous system function, so you can do what you were designed to do—heal.

Philosophically, we understand that the human body can self-heal if the brain can communicate with the rest of the body. It is when we reach our limits of adaptation with toxins, physical stressors, and emotional stressors that our body can no longer adapt and subluxation results. Subluxation creates interference in the brain-body connection and health problems begin to surface. Chiropractic removes interference, by way of the adjustment, and then the body does the healing.

Chiropractors are trained to detect and remove subluxation. Many times, they can detect it before you start to experience symptoms and health problems. This is ideal, because an optimally functioning nervous system increases your ability to adapt to the stressors in your life and decreases the occurrence of chronic health problems.

We feel that proper diet, supplements, exercises, and other healthy living in conjunction with spinal adjustments will allow your body to self-heal and reach its maximum potential.  This is why we offer a variety of products and foods which will help you achieve your best when you’re not physically in our office.